How To Help Your Child’s Anxiety Going Into the New Year

Child’s Anxiety

Leaving the old year behind and going into a new year can be nerve-wracking for anyone, but especially children. Many children struggle with change and may experience feelings of anxiety when the year changes. If this describes your child, there are things you can do to ease the transition and help your child feel less anxious about going into the new year.

Here’s what you should know about signs of childhood anxiety, what triggers anxiety, and how to give your child anxiety treatment at home.

Signs Your Child Has Anxiety

Many parents don’t know their children have anxiety because they are unaware of common childhood anxiety symptoms. Your child may be experiencing more anxiety than normal if he or she has any of these symptoms:

  • Difficulty going to sleep
  • Agitation
  • Frequent tantrums and/or crying
  • Refusing to go to school
  • Avoidance of certain things and subjects
  • Poor focus and problems with attention
  • Poor performance in school or with homework
  • Meltdowns about seemingly unimportant things such as socks, clothing, shoes, and hair before school
  • Difficulty transitioning between school and other activities
  • Somatic symptoms such as stomachaches and headaches

Often, parents dismiss these symptoms are normal mood changes that happen with age. But if your child consistently experiences multiple symptoms on the above list, chances are high that he or she is struggling with anxiety.

There are a variety of things that can cause anxiety in children, including problems with relationships at home or at school, bullying, issues with learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, and more. The sooner you understand that the underlying cause of your child’s behavior issues and/or physical symptoms could be anxiety, the sooner you can consider giving him or her anxiety medication for children. Not all anxiety medication is given by prescription. Some options are homeopathic and can improve focus and reduce anxiety without side effects.

Listening to Your Kids

Once you realize that your children have anxiety, it’s time to take steps to try to reduce the anxiety and help your children live happier and more fulfilled lives. One of the first things you should do is listen to your kids and let them explain how they’re feeling and what’s causing them to feel that way. Being able to talk about their feelings can help kids feel safe and grounded. Here are additional things you can do to help minimize anxiety and irritability in children:

  • Let your children know they don’t need to be perfect and that imperfection is OK.
  • Urge your children to face their fears instead of running from them.
  • Schedule relaxing activities such as play dates with friends, painting classes, and game nights for kids.
  • Focus on the positive aspects of life and guide children to think about the good things that happen during the day.
  • Model positive thinking and good behavior to your kids, especially in stressful situations.
  • Encourage good sleep habits.
  • Reward your children for their brave behaviors.

These are all great ways to help your children overcome anxiety while heading into the new year. Remember to also show your children plenty of affection so they feel safe and loved, no matter what they may do.

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