Moving to New York City is a dream of many, whether it be to make it big in the entertainment industry, work on Wall Street, or just dream of jogging through Central Park on a cool Saturday morning. If you’re about to sign a lease on a Brooklyn apartment or looking for Long Island houses for sale, there are a few things you should know before making the plunge. Here is our unofficial, yet comprehensive guide, to moving to the Big Apple.
If you’re moving from a rural area, chances are you’ll be taken aback at the general cost of living in New York City. Fortunately, that also means salaries are higher than average. New York City actually ranks in the top 10 when it comes to highest salaries in the country. Because of this, it’s important to prepare yourself and make a budgeting plan for your big move. For example, one big preparation could include putting your old property for a quick house sale on your own and getting the most of its value in cash.
If you’re looking for tips for budgeting in NYC, there are a number of great apps, blogs, and resources out there to help you stay on track.
NYC has the largest public transportation system in the world, and many New Yorkers are able to depend on public transit here because it’s so reliable. If you’re moving to the city from a more rural area, you may want to consider selling your vehicle and using the MTA to get around. If you plan on traveling out of the city only once in a while, using rideshare apps or rental cars may save you money in the long run once you factor in insurance, maintenance, and parking fees for a car that may sit most of the year.
There are so many boroughs and neighborhoods to keep track of in NYC, it takes most people years to navigate the city without issue on their own. Each area has its own unique atmosphere and energy to it, so before you sign the paperwork, be sure you’re in a location you can see yourself in for a long time. Apartments and homes can be hard to get in the city, so you want to find something you can hold onto for years to come.
Also, don’t be afraid to explore the other areas of NYC on your days off. There is so much to enjoy an experience in the city and it is painful to know some people live their whole lives on one block never experiencing all New York has to offer.
Get Involved
The best way to get to know your new city is to get involved in your community. New Yorkers get a reputation for being unfriendly, but that’s likely because they’re always looking straight ahead, motivated to get to their next destination and experience a new opportunity, which there are many of in this great city. New Yorkers are actually some of the most friendly and interesting people when you get to know them. Start by volunteering, attending local events, or just making small talk with the grocery store cashier, and you’ll feel more at home in no time.