Huniepop 2 – ALL Characters, Types, and details -A Double Date, Adult Game

Huniepop 2

Huniepop 2 is an adult game which is developed by a famous gaming company named- Honiepot.

Honiepop is a kind of double-date game that allows you to increase the power of affection by making your character more powerful.

In this article, we are going to share with you every detail about the Huniepop 2-Double date, an adult game.

Introduction of Huniepop

Huniepop is a very popular double date game which is created by Huniepot, a well-known gaming company. This game is also published by Huniepot. Furthermore, Honiepot is one of the leading companies when it comes to making adult games. Huniepop is the game’s original and immediate successor. The player can play the game in the same way that the protagonist does. It implies that you can play this game from the perspective of “You”. This game was released or published for the first time on February 8, 2021.

The Plotting of Huniepop 2:

The game’s plot is interesting, and we can say that the game is all about adult behavior. There are two primary characters in the competition. And it is up to the player to romantically awaken them from their dream. They are nevertheless, lying in their nap for quite some time. the player has then sexually awakened or satiated them. To resurrect them, the player will require two fairy wings. Players have gained them in three different ways. He also has the option of a volcano eruption.

Latest features of Huniepop 2

•             Huniepop 2 is a very popular name and it’s also a way of having and providing a double date, as we all know. Three primary characters appear in the game. The threesome or double dates game is another name for it.

•             When a player enjoys a date, he should exchange girls and share an attachment meter across games to complete the romantic evening.

•             If the user wants to switch to a different girl, he should right-click and select the girl from the list.

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Measuring meter or sentiments meter usages

•             In this game, a sentiment meter is provided for measuring affection.

•             A stamina meter is also available for each girl in this game.

•             Every girl has her own preferences and options when it comes to stamina and sentiments.

•             However, some moves have stood the test of time.

Unique gifts and quantity of facilities:

•             Before having or going on his first date with any girl in this game, each player who is using or playing for the first time should build up certain sentiments.

•             Alternatively, the player should be developing feelings for the female.

•             Before commencing the date, the player can also do some shopping for the girl.

The Food store and shopping lists available in the game

•             The players can also buy some kind of food items from the shop.

•             In this game, every pair has a set.

Pairing rules or CGs rules available in-game

•             According to the norms of CGs, pairing consists of a set.

•             Along with CGs, the player can get his pairing. These CGs, on the other hand, will be obtained after two dates with any girl in the game.

The Outfits and location selection are available

•             When a player enters a dating mode, he will be forced to display the CGs and costumes that he would wear on a date with the girl.

•             The user has various options to select a desirable location for a date.

•             The player can also choose outfits for a date with a girl.

Limited moves and stamina power for the players

•             Honiepop 2 only allows a limited number of moves and limited stamina for each player.

•             When Honiepop 2 runs out of moves, the player must switch to a different girl.

•             With the help of +1 movements available in the game, the player should replenish his desire and stamina. In addition, the player must match stamina tokens that resemble silver pentagons.

About baggage option available in Huniepop 2

There is some specific baggage option available in the game that can affect any player’s stamina, which he may lose and which he can regain during date-time in this game.

About seeds of the fruit used for the player in Huniepop 2

•             When one date of the player is over with any of his girls, he can choose fruit seeds to replace Munie and Hunie.

•             Fruit seeds should be purchased from the player or user when creating smoothies at the supermarket.

About Fruits and smoothies as a gift food item for every girl

The player can increase his affection level and traits level by gifting the fruits and smoothies to any girl during the date. You may feed the girls a variety of foods while you are talking to them including fried chicken, corn, cupcakes, and lobster. Each food item you give a girl will help you on dates by increasing their passion or sentiment, but keep in mind that you cant just stuff them silly-if you’ve already fed each girl, they wont be eager for more until later.

Its worth nothing that some products, such as Lola, Brooke, and Zoey with Sushi, have heightened effects based on their favorite feature, so keep an eye out for those. Its also worth mentioning that giving food costs a stamina points (unless its food that gives stamina), so don’t chat to them before you feed them. Foods degrade after a day, so make sure you give them away before they go bad.

About The available list of clever traits and unique pairs of shoes for every girl

If there’s one thing the store has a lot of, its shoes, especially in the beginning. However, not all shoes are created equal, some girls will favor specific styles over others, so you’ll need to match the slipper to Cinderella, much like the various gifts. Each girl has four pairs of shoes and providing them all four will improve their style. When you reach the maximum style level, level nine, you’ll have a very good possibility of creating a power token on big affection token matches, so don’t forget to go shoe shopping.

•             The total of five traits are available in each game.

•             The player can also give the shoes to the girls as a special gift. The boots can be an amazing present. Consider a girt who proposes a date.

•             If a player gives a girl shoes as a gift, this gift is counted toward or can enhance the number of fruits a player receives at the end of his date.

•             As a result, each girl has four different pairs of shoes in this game.

•             The level of style will be raised by wearing shoes.

About the available list of levels

•             Huniepop 2 has a total of nine levels in the game.

•             Every girl has a persistent baggage impact. However, by steadily improving his level and unlocking his game, the player can obtain a permanent product.

About baggage and their types available in Huniepop 2

•             Each game comes with its own set of baggage.

•             Chador Stacy is experiencing problems on a date, but the baggage isn’t affecting her.

•             According to the current date, every player or gamer has only one problem in the game, which he or she faces with every girl or guy during the game.

•             If the game alternates between three girls, one guy can play with each of them.

•             When the player levels up in the game, the incel/female will have problems, and the player will have to deal with baggage.

About the date gifts that will be an offer from any player in this game

The date presents will either be provided or divided among the girls. If there are a total of eight girls, four grants will be given or presented to each of them. Date gifts, if you remember from the instruction, are items that you buy ahead of time and give to the girls on dates. Jewelry, souvenirs, plushies, flowers and other items are among them. During the date in the game of HuniePop 2, these presents will have consequences such as eliminating broken heart tokens from the board or boosting the chances of specific tokens appearing on the board.

Go to the gift section before each date and drag the gift to an empty box beneath the girl’s face icon; this will make it available while on dates. To replace an existing gift, simply drag the new one into the box of the old one, and it will be replaced automatically. Each present will cost a certain amount of sentiment in the date, thus you’ll need to find some sentiment matches before you can distribute the date gifts.

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About fairy wings, and usage of fairy wings in this game

•             The Player’s game will be enhanced by the addition of fairy wings which will raise his level and increase his desire and stamina.

•             After each successful threesome competition, each player has a set of wings that will deliver.

About the number of wings required for kyu’s for awakening the Nymphojinn

Kyu’s requires twenty-four pairs of wings and Kyu is full of great surprises and plots to awaken the Nymphojinns from their nap.

About the new question ever asked from the girls to her players

Before going on date, the girls would ask a lot of new questions to their player or date companion. some of the questions are a personal favorite but there are around 20 in total that they will be asked.

About the interests of girls in Huniepop 2

The girls are quite interested in their life or this game. Assume you’re a player who wants to ask a question or learn more about a topic. Then you can ask them questions.

She also shares her fruit with the player if all of the girls ask the same question or if the girls respond swiftly. The girl can donate or share her favorite fruits, as well as, reply to the questions.

About the post-game strategy for the player

After defeating the Nymhojinn, more and post-game content will be available.

However, the alpha modes in this game may be included in some of the post-game stuff. Also according to Chad/Stacy, some post-game information isn’t available, which means it’s either simple or difficult for the player.

Non-stop dates with girls will be part of the post-game environment.

Additional clothing for the girls will be available in the post-game DLC, or they can purchase the gowns in the shop after purchasing them with the fruits.

About the Alpha mode in this game

The alpha mode begins automatically or it appears in default mode. This mode also begins immediately after the Nymphojinn defeats any player. And there is no way to turn on or turn off this mode.

If the player wants to halt the dates, he needs to go to Kyu’s suite and speak with him.

About the hairstyles and outfits available in this game

•             Every girl is given three new and trendy hairstyles, as well as the most up-to-date clothing.

•             The player will be able to unlock all of these clothes and hairstyles.

•             The hairstyles will be unlocked using the simple approach, which is also any girl’s least favored manner of eating.

•             And with her, the majority of their favorite fruit things will be unlocked.

•             The haircuts are priced at $5 and $10, respectively, and will rise to $15 with the addition of 15 fruits.

•             The clothing also comes with a cost of 10, 20, and 30 fruits.

•             For unlocking the haircuts and clothes, it will grow with 270 of each fruit.

•             Additionally, the player will be entertained by extra outfits and will be able to unlock the costumes by entering a unique code into the game.

About the types of logos available for Huniepop 2

There are total of two types of logos in the Huniepop 2, which are as follows:

•             The official logo

•             The old unofficial logo

About the famous characters and their names

Here is the name of famous characters and their roles with all other details:

As we all know that the game is based on adult pleasuring actions and habits, there are 13 renowned characters available and incorporated in this game. This game was verified with Huniepot, which indicates a set of 12 girls’ goals. However, the player is unable to count them because they are all fairy-like in appearance.

The following are the names of the girls, as well as their professions and jobs:

•          Abia Nawaz

Abia works in airport security and goes by the moniker “Complete freak” or “Foreign girl”. She is a member of the human race. And she’s around 25 years old.

•          Ashley Rose marry

Ashley is a well-known model who also works as a musician and in the fashion industry. She is also a member of the human race. Her age is estimated to be around 21 years old.

•          Brooke Belrose

Brooke has the title of a trophy wife, as well as the alias of the lady in control and the title of the high-status woman. She is a member of the human race. She is a 40-year-old woman.

•          Candace “Candy crush”

Candy crush is a stripper, and she goes by the alias of a slow learner. Candy crush is also an exotic dancer. She enjoys dancing. She is also a human person. She is a 25-year-old woman.

•          Denise “Zoey Greene”

Zoey is an unemployed woman on the lookout for the proper job, and she goes by the aliases cyber chick and odd. She is also a member of the human race. She is a youthful and gorgeous 19-year-old girl.

•          Lailani Kealoha

Lailani works as a hotel clerk and assumes aliases such as naïve girls and masseuses. She is a living creature. She is a 23-year-old woman.

•          Jessie Maye

Jessie makes a living as a pornographer. However, she no longer works in this field. In Huniepop 2, she has an alias with an adult actress, and she is also a habitual drinker. She is a human person as well. on the 27th of January, she will celebrate her birthday.

·        KyuSugardust

Kyu is bot a love fairy and a love fairy with a profession. She has no interesting works or aliases. She isn’t even a person. She is, however, a love fairy. She celebrates her birthday on 3rd August. She’s also 384 years old.

·        Lillian Aurawell

Lillian is a jobless girl. And she is trying to figure out what she wants to do with her life in this game. Lillian has a Goth girl alias as well as an Angsty teen identity. She is a living creature. She celebrates her birthday on 23rd February and she is eighteen years old.

·        Lola Rembrite

Lola is a fashion designer with an alias of snow bunny and a job title of fashion designer. She is a human girl. She celebrates her birthday on 23rd February and she is a 26-year-old woman.

·        Nora Delrio

Nora works in the hotel industry as a maid. In the fashion sector, she is also styling a lot of new clothes. She creates the most up-to-date looks and clothes. She also has an alias that includes a compassionate aunt and a tomboy. She is a human person as well. she is 29 years old.

·        Polly Bendleson

Polly’s occupation is that of a beauty tuber. She also goes by the aliases old-fashioned girl and classy gal. she is a human person as well. she is 32 years old woman.

·        Sarah “Suki Stevens”

Sarah works as a personal assistant. And she’s Brooke’s assistant. She also has a handle with weeb, as well as an alias with Japanophile. She is also a human person. She is 20-year-old woman.

·        Moxie

Moxie’s occupation is unknown, and she does not use an alias. She isn’t even a person. She is, instead, a Nymphojinn. Her age is also unknown to the public.

·        Jews

Jew’s occupation is unknown, and she does not use any aliases. She is not a member of the human race. She is, however, a Nymphojinn. Nobody knows how old she is.

About the creative team and members that are including in making Huniepop 2

Here are the names and designations of creative team and member.

Ryan KoonsLead developer
KopiangetLead artist
NinamoCG artist
SoulkillurSprite artist
AgataWiejakIcon artist
Anthony PismarovIntro art
KeiraBG Help department
DelinquentBG Help department
Amber Foxy Lee MayZoey rewrite helping center
Marshmallow MaximusNymphojinn designer
B.VNymphojinn designer
UsagiturtleNymphojinn designer
LuvvUcyNymphojinn designer
World of WandaComposer
Aika NantongDepartment of casting
Brittany LaudaCasting help department
Michaela LawsAudition side of game

About Voice over artist who gives their amazing voices to the characters of Huniepop 2

  • Kyu Voice is given by Jaclyn Aimee.
  • Nymphojinn’s Voice is given by Sadie Young.
  • Polly’s voice is given by Marissa Lenti.
  • Abia’s voice is given by Elsie Lovelock.
  • Ashley’s Voice is given by Sheilah.
  • Brook’s Voice is given by Krystal Laporte.
  • Nora’s voice is given by Samantha Brentmoor.
  • Candace’s voice is given by Melody Muze.
  • Lailani’s voice is given by Sarah Wiedenheft.
  • Sarah’s voice is given by Skyler Davenport.
  • Zoey’s voice is given by Shara Kirby.
  • Lillian’s voice is given by Amber Leigh.
  • Jessie’s voice is given by Morgan Laure.
  • Lola’s voice is given by Kira Buckland.

Why is HuniePop going to be banned?

It is a pretty game but ends up due to sexual content present.

Where is HuniePop 2 available?

You will get this game on PC and Mac via Steam, the Humble Store, Nutaku, GOG, MangaGamer and Fakku.

Is HuniePop 2 a good game to play?

HuniePop 2: Double Date is a great sequel and players love to play it with a great fun. If you are a fan of the series then HuniePop 2 is well worth the 20 dollars. Definitely, it is a fun experience even for a first time player.

Is Huniepop 2 Worth To Play?

HuniePop 2: Double Date is a great sequel and continues the fun titles from Huniepot. The game is well worth to play if you are a fan of the series. Definitely it is a fun experience even for a first timer.

Where Can I Buy Uncensored Huniepop 2?

You can easily turn Off/On censored mode of HuniePop 2. Just press ESC key on their keyboard and select Bras and Panties option from the Censorship option.

The Last words

Huniepop 2 is a very popular double date game. This game included a variety of elements as well as distinct characters. This game has an awe-inspiring quality to it that draws players in. Honiepot is one of the leading companies when it comes to making adult games. Huniepop is the game’s original and immediate successor. The player can play the game in the same way that the protagonist does.

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